CASP–the campaign SEACA and Public Council have been working on for the past 2 1/2 years on affordable housing and equitable development–
went to the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Subcommittee of the LA City Council this week, which voted unanimously to pass the Plan. The next step is for CASP to go to the City Attorney’s office for legal review before going to the full City Council for vote, which we anticipate will be sometime in late Spring.
While there is still work to be done to finalize key details, this is a plan that has the support of:
- Affordable housing advocates
- Environmentalists
- Transportation advocates &
- the Business Community
In an article praising the updated CASP, the LA Times calls it “a model for LA planning”.
” [The CASP brings] that rarest of commodities to the Los Angeles land-use process: certainty. There is certainty for developers, who now just need to show that their projects conform with the use that will soon be on the books. There is certainty for their financial backers, who can better predict how much time it will take from loan to payback. There is, importantly, certainty for the neighbors, who already have discussed and generally approved the types of projects that will be coming to town — how dense, how much, how high.” The Los Angeles Times